Le CFR américain (Council of Foreign Relations) a exprimé son inquiétude à la lecture d’une décision de la Cour de Justice européenne (équivalent de la Cour suprême aux Etats-Unis). We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. L’affaire visait un cas français : un homme en parfaite santé avait déclaré une sclérose après une vaccination, il est décédé en 2011. Similar outbreaks suddenly happened wherever vaccinations were mandated in Germany, Japan, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Italy, Austria, and Holland. 1932 nesx accounts already show “liberal” used to mean “pro-repeal” and “unappreciative of Hitler.” Outside the USA liberal still means objectivist, libertarian or classical liberal–never Fabian socialist as in These States. It should first be noted that Jenner actually tested cowpox on his son and a neighbor boy who both developed extreme weakened immune systems. And the Germans have been criticized for decades for knuckling under to Hitler. Vaccination eller vaccinering är en metod att framkalla skydd mot en viss infektionssjukdom genom tillförsel av vaccin (innehållande antigen), det vill säga ett preparat som aktiverar kroppens immunförsvar mot den sjukdomsalstrande faktorn, till exempel bakterier, bakterietoxin, virus eller parasiter Cette dernière autorise la possibilité de poursuivre des fabricants de vaccins sans apporter de preuves scientifiques dès lors qu’il existe un lien de causalité entre, par exemple, un vaccin de Sanofi Pasteur contre l’hépatite B et la sclérose en plaques. Willingly giving up their freedom and reporting those that don’t to the gestapo! 12.17.2020 12:20 PM. And I have a feeling that if this was tried, there would be violence, ” have the power to put an entire state under house arrest?”. Where is the violence (other than that perpetrated by police enforcing this nonsense)? i’ve thought the same thing. | ), The presumption that vaccines are “a miracle” as Bill Gates says is interesting because not only was US measles mortality PRIOR to the MMR vaccine was only 2 in 1 million (now it is 2 in 1,000), the CDC was forced to admit in court last month that they have ZERO studies to make their claim on their website saying autism is NOT caused by this vaccine or the combination of any of the 48 to 63 vaccinations now reccomended by the CDC. However, the most recent flu vaccine has been estimated at only 50% effective. On peut en douter car il existe plusieurs lectures du sujet et les mondialistes veulent vacciner de force la nouvelle génération de 0 à 10 ans. The SCOTUS didn’t explain how “the health of all” is threatened by rights. | is to ensure “all men are equal”, i.e., politically equal. The population demonstrated with 80,000 attendees and decided they would stop vaccinating – instead using quarantine of the infected with disinfectant of their homes. If the answer is yes the what will they do with vaccinations? !Yes,this is definitely the most financially rewarding Job I’ve had . ». All that being said, I am not holding my breath for an effective Covid-19 vaccine. Seems like a great time to make it more expensive to employ people, right? Courts have continued to use it (unchallenged) to continue to broaden the encroachment of government. Par ailleurs, les parents réfractaires seront également signalés au tribunal des mineurs et pourront être temporairement déchus de leur autorité parentale. Dans la foulée, la présidence américaine a ouvertement posé la question de l’équilibre entre la sécurité du citoyen et l’utilité des vaccins. Nonetheless, if anyone thinks they are going to force us to get a rushed-to-market vaccine when no one suffers any fallout if its got issues…..they can pound sand. If this virus is similar to the flu, a super-fast mutator that is slightly different every couple of years, they’ll never come up with a 100% vaccine for it because that will be impossible. Nothing you posted is actually true or its skewed in a way without context or presenting the entire case history of both diseases. Here! Ils entendent tuer dans l’œuf cette information et prendre des mesures très coercitives pour imposer leurs vaccins. 30-40 yrs. Second that vaccinations would protect the greater population. Edward Jenner, an English country doctor from Gloucestershire, administers the world’s first vaccination as a preventive treatment for smallpox, a disease that Which is why I consume neighter! This is one of the ridiculous, ignorant tropes of the anti-vaccine religion [1] which is pervasive in the anti-vaxxer world. Do state governments have the authority to compel such refusers to get vaccinated on threat of punishment? How would one reconcile right to control one’s own body to include abortion but not right to refrain from vaccination? Ces expérimentations sons consentement éclairé sont en contradiction avec le code de Nuremberg. "Nor, in view of the methods employed to stamp out the disease of smallpox, can anyone confidently assert that the means prescribed by the State to that end has no real or substantial relation to the protection of the public health and the public safety.". 1905 was a prohibition fanaticism year in part because of the Chinese boycott in protest of unlabeled mail-order morphine nostrums. Le “code de Nuremberg”, une jurisprudence pénale ... typhus et des vaccins, (K) sur des poisons, (L) sur les bombes incendiaires ; les débats firent apparaître en outre des expériences sur le phlegmon, sur le polygal (un coagulant du sang), sur le phénol et sur l’œdème gazeux. Just what we need, another nurse lecturing on the harms of vaccines. DÉCRYPTAGE - Tous les ans, le taux de vaccination varient d’un extrême à un autre pour la grippe saisonnière, selon les professions. Mandatory vaccination is not against the "Nuremberg Code". Related: "Police Powers During a Pandemic: Constitutional, but Not Unlimited", NEXT: Sen. Josh Hawley Wants a Bogus Criminal Investigation Into Amazon. The Nuremberg Code, itself, is not a binding document, but it does inform and shape a lot of the actual laws and regulations involved in human subjects research. The state can’t force vaccinations. 12.25.2020 3:05 PM. Change Your Life Right Now! “We cannot conceive of conscription as involuntary servitude” sums up another Supreme Court decision, no? Here is link… More Read Here, https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/why-democrats-are-the-party-of-eugenics, When the Supreme Court upheld a compulsory vaccination law… Ron Bailey ejaculated into himself, Lane Rose, Make 6150 bucks every month… Start doing online computer-based work through our website. That was actually more of a lecture on history and the law rather than a lecture on the harms of vaccines. Mandatory vaccination is not a human experiment! Small wonder coercive eugenics were such a hot item in These States when Adolf Hitler was but an impressionable youth of 16. There were epidemics in 1859, 1860, 1864, 1865, 1867 and an enormous outbreak in 1872-73. What do you think the stay at home orders issued by many of the state governors are. Land of the Home Incarcerated, Home of the Cowards. Updated Cruise Ship Travel and COVID-19 December 02, 2020 CDC recommends that travelers defer all cruise travel worldwide. Yeah…just what I want to do…shoot up some crap laced with mercury…fuck that…sheeples, carry on without me. I wonder why Hydroxycholorquine and azithromicin – which has been in the marketplace for 35+ years with little complication and costs less than $2 a dose is lambasted on ABCNNBCBS (with 4 clinical studies showing a 96% or better success rate) but Gilead’s Remdesivir which costs 1,000 a dose has 1 public study in China showing it has a higher rate of death but every news organization is giving it glowing reviews before results of the NIH study is even released? DOES it make a population safer? « La vaccination obligatoire, qui revient à une expérimentation humaine sans consentement, est contraire au Code de Nuremberg », expliquait Mary Holland, docteur en droit et professeur d’Université à la tribune des Nations Unies, le 4 mai 2016. I am not a guinea pig. But this case, he concluded, did not rise to that standard. Its to easy to do this, every one can do this no experience or skill required just join the given link and start earning from very first day. This is not to mention both the potential connection to autism mercury and aluminum stabilizers have or the ethical issues of a vaccine that uses either animal or human fetuses or is tested animals. Si vous continuez à utiliser notre site (en cliquant sur OK), nous supposons que vous en êtes satisfait. In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the U.S. Supreme Court confronted a state law that allowed local governments to require smallpox vaccinations when the local health authorities deemed them necessary. Damon Root is a senior editor at Reason and the author of A Glorious Liberty: Frederick Douglass and the Fight for an Antislavery Constitution (Potomac Books). First – the original finding was vaccinating an individual, not a population. Report abuses. Des essais cliniques de plusieurs vaccins contre le Covid-19 sont sur le point de démarrer en France. The vaccine literally created massive outbreaks and pandemics. "Whatever may be thought of the expediency of this statute, it cannot be affirmed to be, beyond question, in palpable conflict with the Constitution," Harlan held. Both Roosevelt’s were the absolute worst. You really shouldn’t make assumptions about my beliefs, detracts from your arguments and makes you look foolish. The 7–2 majority opinion, written by Justice John Marshall Harlan, agreed that the "power of a local community to protect itself against an epidemic threatening the safety of all might be exercised in particular circumstances and in reference to particular persons in such an arbitrary, unreasonable manner, or might go so far beyond what was reasonably required for the safety of the public, as to authorize or compel the courts to interfere for the protection of such persons." Aren’t vaccines providing for the common defence? Editor's Note: We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. In the U.S., the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Human Research Protections is in charge of human subjects research ethics and regulations, particularly 45 CFR 46. 12.27.2020 5:30 PM, Thaddeus Russell De Code van Neurenberg is een set ethische onderzoeksprincipes met betrekking tot onderzoek en experimenten op of met mensen. And to add to this story, it also did so in 1905. If big pharma has no responsibility for damage caused to me or society, I/we can have no compulsion to take it and no responsibility to society at large. They didn’t explain how the collective is threatened by the individual, on principle. I don’t have a boss standing over my shoulder and I make my own hours. OPT Last Monday I bought a great Lotus Elan after I been earning $9534 this-last/5 weeks and-a little over, $10k last month . Hardly. Oct. 10, 2009. 12.26.2020 8:00 AM, Virginia Postrel Pour avoir accès aux crèches et à l’école maternelle, les parents devront donc faire obligatoirement vacciner leurs enfants. | 4.30.2020 3:30 PM. Lily R. Anderson Single mom makes $89844/yr in her spare time on computer without selling or buying any thing. Le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques souligne également l’interdiction de l’expérimentation dans son texte de 1966. Vaccines are administered to healthy humans, often in the first year of life. Virginia Postrel 22 years later, the court cited Jacobson to say that “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” Tens of thousands of people were forcibly sterilized for the purpose of improving the human gene pool. England made smallpox vaccination mandatory in 1853 with fines and imprisonments enacted by 1857. Is Reason intentionally skewing editorial here or are they lazy at researching this subject? Les résultats de ce nano-diagnostic sur 44 vaccins dont les onze obligatoires sont sur les bureaux de tous les fabricants de vaccins. Alors je pense qu’en matière de santé publique, nous en sommes aux premiers balbutiements pour commencer et puis, à un moment, nous y arriverons également pour les êtres humains. Herd immunity, at any practical level, is between myth and self-fulfilling prophecy. I worry it will be mandated. « Les Gaulois issus d’une culture, d’une science et d’une religion de la très haute antiquité perdront leurs libertés lorsque leurs forêts disparaîtront et qu'ils adopteront les coutumes des envahisseurs qui ne feront qu’imiter les réalisations de la civilisation hyperboréenne en les dénaturant ». Tuccille There is more reason for healthy people to abstain from biologics than to take them. Herd immunity requires very high % of the human population to be vaccinated, libertarian fantasies be damned. We have the very great irony now that the very companies whose forced medical horrors during the Nazi regime led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code have, through their power at the WHO, set in motion the largest forced medical experiment in human history - even militarized. My problem with this is they will enforce lockdowns to various degrees until then. Cette dernière avait osé dire, le 5 octobre 2010, qu’à l’occasion des futures pandémies, la Commission européenne devait décider, sur une base juridique forte et contraignante, et à l’instar de ce qui se fait déjà pour les animaux, qui doit être vacciné. If there isn’t a vaccine now, there isn’t going to be in a year. Opposer le Code de Nuremberg et le pacte des droits civils et politiques à la vaccination de force est parfaitement approprié. Accessibility | Pharmaceutical companies also make up 70% of the revenue of mainstream media news budgets. Taylor Winterstein is a Samoan-Australian online influencer known for her public anti-vaccination stance. The 1982 elimination goal was not met, but in 1983, only 1,497 cases were reported (0.6 cases per 100,000 population), the lowest annual total ever reported up to that time.

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